Behind Tony Robbins’ dangerous approach to the pandemic.
The story Tony Robbins told on his podcast was harrowing — if also a little convoluted. One of his staff members had come down with a fever of 102 when she started watching the news and freaking out. She went to the hospital, presumably with COVID-19, and UFABET began to hyperventilate. The doctors put her on a ventilator — then in a medically induced coma. “The doctor said … ‘If she doesn’t wake up in three weeks, we’ll declare her dead,’” Robbins recounted.

The self-help guru had been researching coronavirus treatments and decided pressure from ventilators could damage the lungs. “I’m not saying these people are trying to harm. I think they’re all trying to help, but the research is now showing a very different component there,” he said on the Tony Robbins Podcast. So Robbins asked a physician friend to call the hospital and convince the woman’s doctors to lower the pressure. “As a result, four or five days later, she opened her eyes, which we’re so grateful for, and she’s still in the hospital but she’s healing,” Robbins said.
The episode fit neatly into Robbins’ self-aggrandizing coronavirus narrative. Since the early days of the pandemic, he’d been suspicious of the hysteria surrounding COVID-19. He told employees in late March that the flu was worse than coronavirus, adding: “We have lost our minds on this.” He also hosted two events amid the crisis.
Over the next nine years, Kosta made a life for herself and her two young daughters in New York City. She was able to send them to a good prep school in Manhattan and take them to Europe in the summers. But the real money went to Tony Robbins. After a particularly massive event.