It’s not just Danes who can experience hygge, though. Have you ever lost yourself in a good book whilst curled up in front of the fire? Or have you enjoyed a cosy candle-lit dinner with a loved one? Sipped on coffee whilst catching up with good friends? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then you’ve enjoyed hygge without even knowing it!

1. Get cosy with candlelight
One of the quintessential components of hygge is candles – Meik Wiking even calls them “instant hygge”. Denmark is the biggest consumer of candles in Europe, burning through a huge six kilograms of candles per person every year!
So for true hygge, go crazy with your favourite candles. There’s no such thing as too many candles when it comes to creating a warm, cosy glow in your house, and clustering them in groups of 3-5 creates an ambient pool of light that’s just right for a snug night in.
2. Create a hyggekrog
Roughly translated as a ‘nook’, a hyggekrog is simply a cosy corner where you can get away from it all. It could be a window seat where you sit and watch the world go by, or a comfy couch with piles of blankets and cushions.
Whatever your hyggekrog is, it should make you feel instantly calmer whenever you spend time there.
3. Bring the outdoors in
It’s no secret that getting out into nature is a great way to de-stress. But sometimes in the depths of winter, you might find yourself venturing out a little less than usual.
But you can still get a hit of happiness by filling your space with houseplants, as studies have shown that they can reduce stress levels and boost your mood as well as improving concentration and productivity. Can’t keep plants alive? Dried flowers are a beautiful, long-lasting alternative!
4. Create a communal space
Spending time with loved ones is key to hygge. And whilst we might not be able to meet in large groups at the moment, there’s nothing more hygge than having a couple of good friends round to share a bottle of wine.
Create a communal space that’s inviting, whether that’s a long dining table, or lots of comfy chairs in which to nestle down for an evening of good conversation.
5. Marie Kondo your space
Take a look around your home and remove any clutter. Hygge is all about contentment, and feeling comfortable in your home is a big part of that. Scandinavians favour minimalist home design, but that doesn’t mean that your space has to be free of keepsakes.
Simply take stock of what is meaningful to you – if something doesn’t spark joy, then is it hygge? Having a clear-out can be a great way to create a home that you actively want to spend time in, something that’s especially important over the cold winter months.