Empowering Trips to Take After a Breakup

Going on vacation is one way to begin healing a broken heart, but there’s more to taking empowering trips after a breakup than sightseeing!

After a breakup, we often look for ways to move on and heal. While adventure, sunshine, beautiful scenery, a weekend of partying or playing tourist in a new place has many benefits, if you are open to it, your post-breakup trip could be remarkably transformational and about much more than just getting away from what’s been keeping you down.

Ways to make travel more empowering

Michael Bennett, Ed.D, co-founder of The Transformational Travel Council has done in-depth research on enhancing travel and identified seven essential steps for an empowering vacation experience. What Bennett has unearthed about travelling with intention can come into play whenever we go globe-trotting, but his insights are particularly useful for anyone taking a trip after a breakup. Take note:

Take a solo trip

It’s a jarring thought, but being alone in an unfamiliar place, where you don’t know anyone or even the local tongue can be empowering. Being alone doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be lonely. At home, in our daily lives, we have lots of roles to fulfil, but how often do we truly get to live for ourselves? Even something as simple as choosing a restaurant on your getaway without having to decide with other people can be pleasurable.

While travelling by yourself at such a time has pros and cons, the positive benefits will outweigh any of the adversities, and you’ll find that we’re capable of so much more than we realise. Relying on no one but yourself, trusting your instincts, and being “out there” is an invaluable experience. You’ll learn so much about yourself as well as some rewarding life lessons from going beyond your comfort zone to being entirely self-reliant.